Debts goes under what action categorie?

I would like to know under what action categorie you would put debts.

I owe four dollars to a friend of mine I see twice a year. I don't want to forget it the next time I see him and wonder if I should have a category for debts/loans.

When people owe me money, it goes in the "waiting for" categorie. But when I owe money to someone or for example if I borrow a book that I have to give back, I never know under what categorie it goes.

It this case, it could go under action @Agenda et have the name of my friend in there.

What do you think?

Thanks for your help.
Alloalexandre;60906 said:
I would like to know under what action categorie you would put debts.

I owe four dollars to a friend of mine I see twice a year. I don't want to forget it the next time I see him and wonder if I should have a category for debts/loans.

When people owe me money, it goes in the "waiting for" categorie. But when I owe money to someone or for example if I borrow a book that I have to give back, I never know under what categorie it goes.

It this case, it could go under action @Agenda et have the name of my friend in there.

Agendas is fine, as long as you are comfortable with the debt sitting there for six months. If you schedule your meetings, you could put the information there instead or in addition to agendas.
I would put it under @Call category (Call Smith to make a meeting to return the book) with a Start Date of the call (I use Outlook and it allows to put Start Dates so the action shows up after a date I need to see it).
Maybe put them on a piece of paper in a reference material folder.
And make a note/asterisk near each person's name (on your agenda) that is on that list.
When you'll want contact him you'll be reminded to check that paper.

And if there's a strict deadline (eg you promised to return the book in two weeks), I don't see other solution than the calendar.

Anyways, the idea is to have that debt pop into your mind automatically when it needs to be addressed, not checking a Debts category every day altough you can't take action. Seems depressing.
Thanks... thread Debts Answer is related to this thread

Hi everyone,

For whatever reason this thread that I started was locked and therefore, someone started a new thread called debts answer earlier this month. Under that thread, lots of good comments. My favorite was one from Landerson:

"I see at least two choices. Use an @Agenda item with that person's name on it and the details of what is owed to them.

or another choice... I keep a list titled IN/OUT - it has everything listed in one place that I have on loan to others ...
OUT - "DaVinci Code" - to Kelly - 3-14-08
OUT - "Pirates of the Carribean" dvd - to Joe - 4-1-08
and for things I have on loan from others...
IN - $4 from Bill - borrowed on 9-1-07
IN - "Gone with the Wind" from Jeff - borrowed 11-13-07"

I went with this system and implemented @In/Out context. It works really well for me right now.
