Lamp comparisons
This link will be probably have way more information than you need but it discusses the comparisons of different kinds of lighting. The link is sponsored by the MD Support forum (Macular Degeneration). MD is an eye disease mostly of older folks. I wish I had this info earlier so as to take care of my eyes.
Live Comparison of Representative Lamps
To demonstrate the differences in lam p types, I acquired and compared six of the lamps mentioned in this paper. The demonstration was designed for an exhibit at the 2005 meeting of the Academy for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) and at other gatherings of researchers, eye care professionals, and patients. In this section of the paper I will describe the display and discuss the most typical observations that have been made by viewers.
Lamps compared:
1. General Electric Basic 75w, 2700K incandescent
2. LazLight 3000K incandescent halogen
3. Solux 4100K incandescent halogen
4. RobinSpring32 3200K compact fluorescent
5. Ott-Lite 5000K compact fluorescent
6. Full Spectrum (VisionMax) 6500K compact fluorescent
MD Support display at the 2005 convention of the
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
Attached files