Do you save sent mail with Outlook Add-in?

I've been using GTD with the Outlook Add-in software for awhile. (Love it.)

One problem I have with using Outlook as my "trusted system" is that it gets full (mailbox over quota). I do regularly delete and archive, but it's not enough.

It occurred to me that automatically saving all my "sent" mail may no longer be necessary, since I so often use the Add-in's "Send and Action" button. However, I'm a bit nervous about giving up that safety net of saving everything I send, at least for awhile.

What do you all do?

I had the same problem until I set the auto-archive settings on my deleted & sent folders to anything older than 2 weeks. If I ever need it, I can still look in the archive for the items, however it doesn't clog my main outlook file.

If you are archiving regularly, why do you feel that it isn't enough?

Mailbox Over Quota

Believe 'Mailbox Over Quota' comes from your service provider and not Outlook. This indicates you need to set Outlook to send and receive at regular intervals. Check your quota with your provider, you might need to increase this especially if you regularly receive very large file attachments.
Thanks for the replies, nerd 759 and Chads.

My mailbox capacity isn't large enough. It's set by the system administrator for my employer. I could request an increase but want to try to live with the parameters they set if possible. I do receive some large attachments at my job.

Auto-archiving anything older than 2 weeks is intense, but it makes sense for the sent folder. Thanks, I'm going to try that.

The archive seems like a black hole to me. I've never set auto-archive, I've only archived when the system forced me to because my mailbox was too full. I know there's stuff in there, but I've never actually tried to get it out. Is it still organized into folders? How easy is it to search?

confessions of a pack-rat

I have a rule that automatically saves all incoming and outgoing email to an off-line PST. I never lose an email, and with modern serach tools its reasonably easy to find things.
I also autoarchive, every two weeks, but it's only stuff older than 3 months. At the end of the year, the entire archive.pst gets saved in a separate file.

I keep all the pst files on my hard disk and in an external disk. Finding older emails is a snap with google desktop.

I don't use the Outlook Add-in software

- Don