I've only had three professional jobs in my whole life, and really 1 and 3 were at the same place, so I need to be prepared if mine goes away. And since I don't want to move, that most likely means a career change, plus I am near retirement age, so this is all a tall order. But I need to get serious about moving it off the someday/maybe list onto the current project list. This brings up a good point - how much stuff should you have on your plate at once? I guess it is all a judgment call, especially eyeballing the priority and risks. For instance, paying bills is an easy must do in a timely manner, but where does it go from there? If my job never goes away, I don;t need the backup job plan, but if it does and I am not prepare, bad news! So the probability has to be a big factor in the whole thing.
Oops, sort of a long-winded hijack, but it was a natural progression!