Does anyone use email for @Contexts

Yes. I currently have 7 Next Actions in the context Email. As I can read and write emails on my Mac, iPhone and iPad, I don't find a context like @ Mac very helpful for these actions. Also, my "iMac" context has over 100 actions, so adding yet more by including email actions is not an attractive option. In theory, if I am using my email client, on any device, then it's a good moment to engage with some actions in my Email context. Do I use the context like this in practice? Not very much. Do I ever engage in actions prompted by context? Probably not very much! So why do I bother with contexts at all? To be honest, mainly to chunk up what would otherwise be a huge and amorphous list of Next Actions, which makes it (for me) easier to review. But I am straying off topic...
Yes, I have a @email context right now. I see it as a sub-category of my @computer list. I use it mostly for a new message thread where I need to write to request something or relay information. Example: "Email x to request quotation for project Y", "Email X to organize site visit". "Email X the files he requested at the meeting".
For emails replies (already part of an ongoing thread) I still use a folder in my Outlook "ACTION-REPLY" for answers I must work on that will take more than 2 minutes.
If you want to send an email that will take more than two minutes to compose how do you remind yourself? What context/list do you put it in?
Either @any or @computer. @any is short for anywhere. In practice I do a lot of email on a tablet. If I need a big screen or access to more than a small amount of information, it’s on @computer. Neither email nor internet are helpful contexts for me. It seems helpful at first but quickly drags down productivity because it’s more list to check.