Does seeing Agenda. . . ?


Thank you . . . meaning adding purpose clarity to @Agenda relationships
I don't know what you mean by "co-beauty creator," but I think of @agenda items exactly as they're presented in the book: a place to park something I need to discuss with someone the next time I talk with them. Is there something about that definition that doesn't work for you?

Agreed . . . at the same time . . . the "someone" in this consideration would be of a more enduring relationship vs. a 'transactional' relationship . . . perhaps it would me the "someone" would also be included in an Area-of-Focus as well?

If one were to achieve any degree of life meaning through creating then all the better than that creation be beautiful with-&-for others?

There sometime seems to be no end as to what questions doing the Weekly Review is capable of raising?

Thank you sir

Agreed . . . at the same time . . . the "someone" in this consideration would be of a more enduring relationship vs. a 'transactional' relationship . . . perhaps it would me the "someone" would also be included in an Area-of-Focus as well?

If one were to achieve any degree of life meaning through creating then all the better than that creation be beautiful with-&-for others?

There sometime seems to be no end as to what questions doing the Weekly Review is capable of raising?

Thank you sir
I don't see why you can't include people in your Area of Focus lists. I do.

As for whether defining them as "co-beauty creators," I think that's entirely up to you. If it helps you decide what the relationship means to you, great.

It's your brain. Only you know what most helps you achieve a mind like water.
I don't see why you can't include people in your Area of Focus lists. I do.

As for whether defining them as "co-beauty creators," I think that's entirely up to you. If it helps you decide what the relationship means to you, great.

It's your brain. Only you know what most helps you achieve a mind like water.

Indeed "Relationships/Individual Person(s)" are one of my four Areas of Focus under Health . . . at the end of the day . . . for minimal deliberation: relationship(s) besides 'neutral', are understood as either increasing health or decreases health

As such, relationships the seem to best suit each other are those most interested in being "co-beauty creators"; more aspects of life the better

Ps. For whatever it might be worth, a mutual relationship willingness to sacrifice for the other might very well be "co-beauty creating", in terms of relationships, par excellence ?
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