Does this software exist?

I’m wondering if there is an add-on to either Palm Desktop or Outlook that does this (or even a standalone software).

When I’m working on a project, I often have lots of files associated with the project, such as Word documents, Excel sheets, Images, emails, etc…

So I would like some program where I could define the file as “belonging” to some project. For instance, if I select a project, then it will list all the todos, calendar events, address book entries, word documents, images, and basically everything associated with it.

However, the file is NOT forced into that project (i.e. it’s not like I’m physically moving the file into a folder”). For example, suppose I have a Todo: XYZ that is a Next Action and is related to Project X. If I select Project X, I would like to see all Todo: XYZ, but if I select Next Action I would also like to see it in there as well. And this would not just be for todos, but all sort of documents. (I hope this isn’t too confusing :)

Is there any software out there like this? And that can also work w/ a Palm or Pocket PC?

Thanks in advance for the help!
Project association re: files

I don't use it myself but I think MS project would do what you're looking for, as for carrying all that info over to a palm or pocket pc --I'm not sure.

I think Lotus notes would also do what you're looking for, it allows for cross referencing between items.

Hope that helps

Outlook can do this already if you set up your projects as Contacts. Bill Pankratz has an ecellent website on how to do this (Don't have the URL on me, anyone...?).

This will link all of the other Outlook items, and then you can use the Journal to bring in Word, Excel and Access documents. I've been using this method for a week, and it is working very well so far!

Others will likely extoll the virtues of stuff like Time & Chaos, Ecco and InfoSelect better than I could. If you are Projects intensive with Address Book as secondary (i.e. it's not a contact manager per se that you want) I would suggest that you also look at some simple outliners and the resurging cardfile model of apps. Something like Treepad might be useful - it's got a Windows Explorer 2-pane look. The LH pane is the logical outline model and the RH pane is the attached notes part where you can insert text and inages and create links to hard disk file and email/browser invoke links. Treepad Lite is free and will show you the potential of the full app., which is reasonably priced. It doesn't synch to Palm but you can convert files to .rtf/csv for Palm import or for finishing up text documents in MS Office. Keynote is another promising app. of that style where the author has some focus on Palm import (to work around the lack of direct synch). I have found Treepad to be adequate for the purpose and also as a primitive index of hard disk files that I want quick access to.

To associate any file on your harddisk with a project (or any keyword): have a look at Wintility. (

I have just had a quick look myself, but like what I have seen so far.


You might try a browse through the Outlook apps and add-ins at since they have large list of Outlook resources there.

-- in Canada

Great info here! Thanks a lot.

Bill Kratz's method is really ingenius! I really wonder why Microsoft didn't include a more "project-centered" focus on Outlook (I guess that wasn't it's purpose... or maybe it's to force us to get a WAY more $$$ MS Project!). Wintility seems quite a bit simpler to use but unfortunately there's no PDA integration. Oh well...

Still, great stuff! Thanks!
I sometimes use MS Office Binder when I want to put many different types of documents in the same place as one project. I'm not sure how extensive it will work w/ ToDo's and other apps. But I find it handy to be able to click on each document in the side bar and view or edit it.

Thanks for the tip about Binder! I've had Office 2000 for over 2 years, never knew what Binder was or how to use it. Each year I have to assemble a collection of documents to file for state reimbursements. Yesterday I began using Binder, and it is making a world of difference in handling the collection.

Thanks again,
I'm Stupid Wintility sux 'be careful'

olemann said:
To associate any file on your harddisk with a project (or any keyword): have a look at Wintility. (

I have just had a quick look myself, but like what I have seen so far.



:oops: I tried wintility Wed night. It had a cleanup feature to remove *.tmp files from my Hard Drive. I tried it; too powerful & too invasive. It deleted all kinds of upgrade stuff from Microsoft Windows XP Pro updates & when I tried to stop & reboot I was forced to format C: & install Windows XPPro & everything else all day yesterday!@! :twisted:

[I'm no fool with PC's but this one got me good! :roll: ]