Easier GTD Capturing



Currently focusing on making the GTD's 5 Steps easier . . . one obvious way at a time:

Whenever I am attempting to to Capture an Idea, Thought, ect. the first instinct is "Pen" after that is accomplished then its 'find' Paper . . . admittedly, quite inelegant

Easier GTD Solution: Pens are always . . . never all by themselves . . . Pens are always to be stored with Paper wherever Pens are stored ?

One obvious way at a time because the only way is through

Thank you very much for GTD thoughts way(s) to make Capturing easier . . . the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly are all welcomed, thank you very much

As you see GTD fit
My best way for spoken capture so far is BeBop on my iPhone. 1 click with 1 hand on my phone to invoke BeBop, 1 click on microphone icon to invoke text to speech, speak my note and hit sync. Decoded notes (with all the errors of ewe becoming you that I've learned to deal with) is automatically inserted into my Obsidian inbox with a date stamp and info for further processing. Since I'm often capturing with 1 hand while the other is hanging onto a sheep it's great.

Alternative best way. Whip out my custom designed replacement for the David Allen Co Notetaker wallet that combines side by side credit card carriers with a standard cheap 3x5 inch spiral bound notepad I buy by the dozen off Amazon or in Sam's Club and a really nice backpacker's Space Pen and I'm good to go for longer notes that require more stuff to be saved.
My best way for spoken capture so far is BeBop on my iPhone. 1 click with 1 hand on my phone to invoke BeBop, 1 click on microphone icon to invoke text to speech, speak my note and hit sync. Decoded notes (with all the errors of ewe becoming you that I've learned to deal with) is automatically inserted into my Obsidian inbox with a date stamp and info for further processing. Since I'm often capturing with 1 hand while the other is hanging onto a sheep it's great.

Alternative best way. Whip out my custom designed replacement for the David Allen Co Notetaker wallet that combines side by side credit card carriers with a standard cheap 3x5 inch spiral bound notepad I buy by the dozen off Amazon or in Sam's Club and a really nice backpacker's Space Pen and I'm good to go for longer notes that require more stuff to be saved.

Very GTD elegant and GTD motivating

Thank you very much

Ps. Did looked up "BeBop" for Android: came up with Flight/Navigation ?
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If I have to "find" something when I want to capture, there is a good chance I will have forgotten what it was by the time I have found it.

The last time I optimised my capture, I gave up on trying to change what I carried but instead looked at how to use what I already carry better, or to make subtle changes in my environment to make capturing easier.

At my desk, I already have the pens and paper I need. They are always there.

When out and about, I like to carry as little as possible. For me it's wallet, phone, keys and even those are reduced as much as possible. Elastic strap for wallet, two keys on a simple ring without key fob, small smartphone. With this in mind, I didn't even want to add a small pen or a couple of pieces of paper. I added the braintoss app to my phone, so that things I capture end up in my email.

In the house, I put a pen and paper in every room with the location fixed so that I knew where it was.

GTD easy capturing at it's finest

Is Braintoss that much easier than just capture sending oneself an email message in the subject line for someone reluctant to add Apps to their smartphone?

Heard Apps are bad for smartphone's performance ?

Thank you very much sir
I find braintoss much better than sending myself an email.

It can capture text, voice or photo, and transcribes the voice. The app doesn't present me with my potentially distracting email inbox, and I only have to enter my email once on setup. Braintoss is incredibly good. In fact, I would say that Braintoss is the second best way of capturing on your phone.

Heard Apps are bad for smartphone's performance ?

What do you mean by performance?

I install the apps I need for work, and the apps I enjoy for leisure. Fewer apps than this is bad for my performance.