Entourage-Droid-GTD-Exchange Server

Finally think I got a system that works. This is for mac users with a Droid phone.
I use Intermedia as my hosted exchange service. About $40 a month.
I use Entourage Web Edition. This is a free update for 2008 users which now supports syncing of categories.
I use Touchdown Exchange by Nitrodesk as the Droid app that runs an Outlook/Entourage on my phone.
I have a Macbook for the road and a iMac as my office computer.
The phone, desktop, and laptop are all syncing with the exchange server. Intermedia has great tech support.
That seems like a lot of steps. Have you considered just using Omnifocus, rather than Outlook / Entourage, since you have Macs?

I used Outlook for a very long time before I discovered Omnifocus. I am now planning to remove Entourage from my Mac Pro,, and will not install Outlook when the Office for Mac 2010 edition arrives.
