Ever Get Burnt Out From Doing GTD?


Good thread and I need to think about all this. I'm working on an interesting project with couple other people and most of our interaction is online since we're separated by hundreds of miles. So I'm finding that I really need to start getting back on the GTD path (i've been backsliding a bit). It's really a struggle for me, though, because I'm not one of those type who likes to carry around index cards. I've tried that and it just doesn't work for me. I carry around a legal pad to use as my capture tool but I don't always remember to put that in my backpack-purse (and let's not talk about pens).

I use OmniFocus. Unfortunately, syncing to BB via iCal is less than optimal (you're presented with a long list of items in the Tasks application, and you need to do a Find everytime you want to narrow down to a specific context). OF has an iPhone app that you can use to sync with the desktop version. But I'm not in a position to get an iTouch at the moment at the moment. I could print out my OF lists, but I've got better use for those paper than that.

I guess I need to find some sort of income that will allow me to get the iTouch . . .


Sharpen the Saw

I realize that the reason I was so attracted to the 7 Habits was the 7th Habit, Sharpen the Saw. Renewal in the Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual dimensions of life. That is one of my Areas Of Responsibility and the 50,000ft altitude of Personal Mission, Purpose & Values. Eating, reading, doing nothing, meditating, napping, what ever are all parts of what the latest book is entitled, Making It All Work. I will never burn out if I pay attention to these altitudes. It's all balance.


lolajl;73173 said:
Good thread and I need to think about all this. I'm working on an interesting project with couple other people and most of our interaction is online since we're separated by hundreds of miles. So I'm finding that I really need to start getting back on the GTD path (i've been backsliding a bit). It's really a struggle for me, though, because I'm not one of those type who likes to carry around index cards. I've tried that and it just doesn't work for me. I carry around a legal pad to use as my capture tool but I don't always remember to put that in my backpack-purse (and let's not talk about pens).

I use OmniFocus. Unfortunately, syncing to BB via iCal is less than optimal (you're presented with a long list of items in the Tasks application, and you need to do a Find everytime you want to narrow down to a specific context). OF has an iPhone app that you can use to sync with the desktop version. But I'm not in a position to get an iTouch at the moment at the moment. I could print out my OF lists, but I've got better use for those paper than that.

I guess I need to find some sort of income that will allow me to get the iTouch . . .


...Let's get you started on pens. I normally am always near a capture tool. Though I have the right to complain about whether or not I like it, I don't have the luxury to. Normally its my cell phone which i'll email something directly to my OF inbox. But I do feel that if i carried around a small little pad (not index cards, though I do love them too) and a small G7 pen i'd be tackling everything that comes into thought.

jerendeb;73184 said:
I realize that the reason I was so attracted to the 7 Habits was the 7th Habit, Sharpen the Saw. Renewal in the Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual dimensions of life. That is one of my Areas Of Responsibility and the 50,000ft altitude of Personal Mission, Purpose & Values. Eating, reading, doing nothing, meditating, napping, what ever are all parts of what the latest book is entitled, Making It All Work. I will never burn out if I pay attention to these altitudes. It's all balance.

Couldn't agree more.


Burnt Out

I think one thing that the OP may be missing is that "intuition" about the next action on your lists to undertake.

I never got the idea that you had to go straight down your NA lists given ONLY your context. You should look at your action lists, based on context, time available, and intuition, to determine what should you be doing.

If your levels of physical & emotional energy, are telling you that most of the items on your list aren't available to you. If you are starting to feel burnt out by a solid week of productivity, I would say that is a pretty strong case of intuition telling you to take it easy for a while.

The whole I deserve a break thing is true. I follow David on twitter sometimes. Sometimes he tweets things about Gardening, or taking a walk with his wife. He isn't working ALL the time. In fact, this whole system is about minimizing work so that he can enjoy everything else.


So glad this is a topic

I struggle with this all the time. My work has *no* edges, other than whatever ones I manage to put on myself. There are functionally an infinite number of books and journal articles to read, articles to write, etc. My husband runs (and we own) a small business, and we have a toddler - no edges there either! It's easy to think that I should be working every minute I'm awake - after all, there's no shortage of work - but this thread has been a great reminder that the easy way may not be the right way.



i was running around like you. i had an enormous list of projects. some of them were of interest to me, some of theme were 'need' to do. i was using every moment to check off an item from the list. I had lots of interactive inputs from my directs, customers and non-directs :) And it helped me to get what i wanted. the only problem was burn out syndrome it caused. I had a flash of the obvious that could help. What I'm trying to do now is to focus more on the most important things. I prefer to have work and non-work hours (though I can plan them myself as a business owner). During work hours I'd focus on one to three most important work projects. Sure I can do some non-work related projects at that time but not as a rule. And GTD system with it's strong calendar and projects approach would notify me if I have any 'need to do' actions for that day.

So my suggestion would be to go for a focused project work having 2-3 of them for each focus area per week. Those are the projects that would give you the max payoff when done,fulfill your dreams, make you the happiest.All the rest should go to someday-maybe list. When those 2-3 are planned and done, you can go and do the nezt 3. Pay minimum attention to all the rest projetcs that are not yours (need-tos, have-tos etc) and try to minimize them, act on them as minimum as needed.For directs I keep a list of projetcs they run. As they also have tons I concentrate on the most important 5 when meeting them.