example of pages voice recording 5 - 11 of The GTD guide on the Asana software '

n appreciation of C-Foley @cfoley example of pages 5 - 11 of The GTD guide on the Asana software (to mark myself (fully completing a series of personal recordings back up to about page 11 where I initially started re reading”


description reads: "Reading an example of pages 5 - 11 of The GTD guide on the Asana software (to mark myself (fully completing a series of personal recordings back up to about page 11 where I initially started re reading”

realised for this type of reading - where one is reading over (because of feeling not able best done on first attempt - it is better done (times like before bed for example (where concentration is worse) , helps motivation.

I I could share this with Mrs - polifax @Mrs-Polifax (because it links to her prior idea of spending 15 mins a day re reading book (initially sharing/writing to her I don’t feel motivated to do so.

I post - help also awareness issues had with Asana writing on forum. "
I why not

1Try go back to previous persons user C R

Butterfly profile @Mrs-Polifax

2Or post back to cdoley idea of using something opposite asana right now because of laziness

For example not wanting to sort

Look over asana cos of problems with memory concentrating literally


You just have me example advice to

carry on using inbox in asana if I already have it and not do something such as use ever note or something else

But - in the above writing (quote from asana I used , initially from phone ...

Made me think - ideas shared in a post similar to this one recieved no feed back

and it linked to idea that mrs poli fax wrote in past for improvement "

I am not sure what you are asking.

My point of view is that the habits are the key part of GTD. Any list manager will work so it is best to stick with the same one until the GTD habits are internalised.
I am not sure what you are asking.

My point of view is that the habits are the key part of GTD. Any list manager will work so it is best to stick with the same one until the GTD habits are internalised.
Right okay
so I could try a different one

I need to sort myself out with my ASD symptoms "

My side effects are from results of V@ccine injury SV