NA_johnny said:
I get by the day just by looking at my calendar and daily checklists… because these are urgent and shouldn’t be left undone without drastic consequences.
Been there, done that - in fact still doing it! I think this is the key to your difficulties. If you have got so much urgent work, or fixed things that you have to do, that you never have time to do anything else then everything else will end up in someday/maybe. I have a worrying static NA list. I am crossing off about one item per day, as the rest of the time I am either seeing patients, in meetings, or dealing with the latest crisis or urgent piece of work.
One of the things that has helped me is to sit down and work out how many hours there are in the working week, and how many hours I can commit to each area of my work. I listed all the hard landscape stuff first, and then looked at the time left and what HAD to be done in it. The answer was that each area of responsibility could have about 1 hour a week, which was of course totally ridiculous. For example I can't run the District Childhood Immunisation Service on one hour a week!
Armed with the information I then went to my boss, and various other people I report to, and at last got their acknowledgement that the job wasn't physically possible. And over a period of about 2 years, my some of my responsibilities have been reallocated so I actually have some time to do some non-urgent, non-hard landscape work.
I'd suggest taking a good hard look at whether the time demands placed on you by your work are physically possible. Can you delegate? How much is really urgent? Do you need to discuss this with your boss? If you are self-employed then you'll need to have a serious discussionw ith yourself about what really is feasible, given that a week only has so many hours...