Filofax vs. other planners



Your time planner is probably the most important and critical piece daily ballast that you carry with you. I highly recommend buying a very expensive planner. I've tried them all. I use a filofax cover. It's the classiest. It will make you feel that the planner is highly valuable, which it indeed is. You should invest in the finest leather that you can afford. So that everytime you open it, you feel a sense of pride and are programming you mind for prosperity. Then invest in a very expensive a Montblanc. Again, you are programming your mind that time management is highly valuable and that you are properous. You also will send that vibe to others who see you in meetings with this set up. Don't go for electronic devices..the English leather filofax and Montblanc pen is the epitome of taste.
As for system and fillers, I'd suggest studying all of the systems. Choose the one that is most effective for you and then hole punch into your planner what works. Create YOUR system. The best system is your own custom one. GTD has extremely valuable strategies, as does Tony Robbins TOYL and Franklin Covey. You can't afford not to buy them, study them and use them. THIS IS CRITICAL. Build you own custom planner with whatever is effective and works for you.


Brian Tracy and his time management and 'Eat that Frog' system: There is definately some overlap in GTD and Brian Tracy. They are based on similar to-do dump, etc. But one thing that Brian Tracy keeps on that is so true is the Paraeto Principal: 80/20 rule. 20 percent of your to-dos will give you 80 percent of your results. THAT IS A CRITICAL CONCEPT.
Brian conceeds that you will never get caught-up. You will die with your inbox full. Thus, focus on the 20% of quality issues and they will give you 80% of you results. Those 20% are usually the toughest ones: The frogs that you need to eat to be truely effective and successful.


Filofax user

To 'Guest'

I enjoyed the sentiments of your post regarding your use of the Filofax cover and the Mont Blanc pen. Is there any consideration you have for the size of your planner? The Filofax I see are usually quite small.


The post starting this thread is identical to another post near the end of this thread.

Its a cut and paste attempt at Viral Marketing, methinks....
not too subtle though...

I love it when a salesperson tells me i should buy the most expensive version of something, as that will make me look and feel like a bigshot.
Actually, if i did buy the most expensive thing, it would make me feel like a patsy.

It does make me chuckle when folks in the "self-help" industry do an entire recording about how its important to have a "certain type of product" to be successful like they are...and then...wait for it...
they just happen to sell the most expensive version of this product on earth!!
I am sure this sales tech works quite well.

Find the customers PAIN, stir up their pain and make it worse, and then heal their pain (which you enhanced) with your products and services.



CosmoGTD, I definately see your point.
I'd have to agree with you about sales pitches. Personally, I hate being sold. I hang-up (as politely as possible) on telemarketers practically every night.
I also have to agree that use whatever works. GTD works period.
I've been down the road on just about every time planner and electronic device out there. I've used Franklin binders, RPM, Palm pilots etc. What works for me is to blend different systems. I wrap it all up in the best I can afford.

I don't work for filofax-I am extremly well paid (thanks to using GTD) and can afford a Filofax. There is something quite unique in using the 'original'.

This is not a sales pitch- just what I know about Filofax. Filofax was the first personal organizer marketed. This goes back to a WW1 British colonel who wanted his officers to be organized before sending them over the top. The company stayed around for decades and then was named Filofax. It is decidedly English. It's like having a Briggs leather briefcase that you can carry with pride versus a crummy piece of vinyl. One might say that a cheap vinyl organizer or even a manila folder can get the job done. That's true. My argument is that if we consider how critical GTD is and the subject of time management, why not treat yourself to the best and program your mind for prosperity?


RE: Filofax sizes.

Actually I thought they were all pretty small for normal business use. However, they come in an 'A5' size which is what I use and recommend for daily business use. They range vastly in price for different types of leather. The upside to the smaller "personal" is that it could fit in a jacket pocket and is more portable. Website:

I use a page for day calendar filler and then load in additional sheets to use for GTD actions. You can tab out projects as you need. I recommend getting a hole punch to load in other filler systems as you see fit. Make sure you top it off with a really fine writing instrument.


I agree with the original post. Although Filofax doesn't have all of the features of some US planner fillers, it is still the original and I agree that there's something to that. I use a fountain pen - I'm all for nice personal accessories.

Given the relative price of PDA's, I don't quite understand the "if it costs more it must be better - not!" (my paraphrasing) response.



Andrew, The fountain pen is definately a nice touch!

When jotting down GTD action lists and projects, it's nice to take a moment to reflect and savor the quality of a fine writing instrument.


Actually Montblac is the pen which have status and always used by the professional person because the model of the pen is like that. I have two Montblac but I always use in my signature.