Foldera- Is it still a going concern?

I am having difficulty accessing my account at Foldera and can not seem to get any contact with the firm. Does any person know if Foldera is still a going concern?

Over the course of the Foldera Beta program we have learned a tremendous amount from dedicated Foldera users. The feedback and suggestions have been extremely valuable and we appreciate the dedication and desire of our user base to be part of our unique and valuable solution.

On December 7, 2007 we announced the completion of convertible debt funding of up to $7,000,000 with Vision Opportunity Master Fund, Ltd., a major institutional investor and current shareholder of the company.

Foldera has not closed its doors, but is going through a restructuring and strategy shift to launch a product and attain revenue. We are focusing our efforts on service providers hosting our solution and engaging our recent partnership with Tiscali Services in Italy for a European launch.

With this strategic change, we had to recently shut down the Foldera beta offering and those beta accounts are no longer available for access.

We apologize if this termination has caused any issues or inconveniences with our Foldera beta users.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact me at

Thanks you for your support and feedback during our Beta program.


Ken Loyd
VP Sales and Chief Marketing Officer
Foldera, Inc.
Your Foldera Account

I am sorry to hear that your Foldera account (and apparently all accounts) was turned off. I would suggest instead OfficeZilla is free like Foldera was but has been online for 5 years and has 12,500 organizations with more then 30,000 total users on the system.

George Scott