For users of MyLifeOrganized


I'm just starting out with GTD and decided to use MyLife for this purpose. If anybody on this forum uses it as well, could they share their layout and structure of MLO? Meaning, what categories you have, contexts, how do you actually "communicate" with the program during the day etc. I'm especially interested to hear from PDA users! Thanks to everyone beforehand :)
A cornerstone for me

I've been using MLO for a couple of years, and have moved away from it a few times (Affexis Planner, Paper), and then back fairly quickly as it's a straightforward and simple system to use.

I have it structured as follows:

OPP - Project (OPP indicates Sales Opportunity at Work)
- Next Actions

1234 - Project (1234 is a research project number at work)
- Next Actions

PERS - Project (PERS indicates a personal project)
- Next Actions

SFR - Project (SFR indicates a work project that is not a research project)
- Next Actions

Horizons of Focus
- Areas of Responsibility

Someday/ Maybe
- S/M Projects
-- S/M Project Next Actions

I've found this works well for me (but I am a little too dependent on the 'Due Date' view, being driven by loudest, not necessarily latest...). It certainly gives a quick overview of my project list (and how they're balanced between work and personal)

Contexts - the normal ones really - @Computer, @Office, @Home, @Web, @Errands, @various people...

As for the PDA module, I tend to favour synchronising to Outlook Tasks and using a normal sync to a PDA (well, iPhone now). I have a copy of the MLO for Pocket PC, and whilst useful for reviewing my lists, I don't find it easy to enter new tasks and interact with my tasks. It's just a bit fiddly.

I hope this helps - let me know if I can help on any other specifics.

