Google Docs - is this what i've been looking for my Project List?

hey guys,

I had previously been using MyLifeOrganized Lite for my Project List, however a challenge I had with it was I use both a laptop and desktop PC at home and I also often use multiple different computers at work, making it difficult to have a current/up to date Project List on each computer

Google Docs has now come along and I'm thinking about possibly using that as an online Project List that I could access from ANY computer

I'm pretty new to GTD and I was wondering if some of the knowledgeable people on here think Google Docs is sufficient for a project list. any additional advice is also welcome :)

My short answer would be yes. I too have the multiple computer issue. I don't use GDocs for project lists but I do use it for brainstorming and project support material. As you get more comfortable with GTD, you might want to consider incorporating Gmail as well. You should check out GTDGmail (requires Firefox) and have a look at this whitepaper.

Another option would be to stick with MLO and run it from a USB Flash drive. I think there is info on the MLO website.

the gmail option seems very interesting and I'm currently a user (and fan) of the gmail service so i definitely will consider it.

thanks for your input

You should try using FolderShare ( It's a great application and allows me to sync my MLO data files between multiple machines. Just be sure that you don't have the application open on multiple machines at the same time since MLO locks the file when it's open. :)
davidmohara said:
You should try using FolderShare ( It's a great application and allows me to sync my MLO data files between multiple machines. Just be sure that you don't have the application open on multiple machines at the same time since MLO locks the file when it's open. :)

FolderShare seems VERY interesting and thanks for the suggestion!

one question i have about it though is, do i have to have my home computers turned on and online for me to access my MLO files?
The quick answer is "sort of". :) In order for the machines to sync with the library, they need to have at least one other machine with FolderShare running. It's a peer-to-peer type system that will sync files amongst any number of machines. So if you join a machine to the library and no other machine is currently online, then you'd not be able to get the latest versions of the files. I generally keep my machines online but I've also added FolderShare to one of my servers so that I always have at least 1 machine in the library with the latest versions of the files. Hope this helps...
GMail not really suited to GTD

notmuch said:
As you get more comfortable with GTD, you might want to consider incorporating Gmail as well. You should check out GTDGmail (requires Firefox) and have a look at this whitepaper.

I tried using gmail for my GTD system for a few months, but then I abandoned it. It doesn't really fit into an email only system. Every time I wanted to update a project, I'd have to reply to an email, which would arrive in my inbox and then I'd have to archive it again. It's really clunky and annoying after a while. It also isn't easy to make portable. If your internet connection is down (yes, it happens), then you don't have anything.

I now use a Treo for GTD, following David Allen's ideas for the Palm. I think it works much better. I still use gmail for my email and I email stuff to myself all the time. So gmail is still one of my inboxes, but all of my lists are on the Treo.

to each his own

gnugrep said:
I tried using gmail for my GTD system for a few months, but then I abandoned it. It doesn't really fit into an email only system.....


A wonderful thing about GTD is that it is tool agnostic. While you may find the Gmail approach doesn't fit your workstyle, others actually do. Some people might cringe at using your Treo based system, extolling the virtues of their battery free, hard reset-proof 3x5 index cards. To each his own.

The link I supplied is for a GTD/Gmail specific addon to the Firefox web browser. You can read some user reviews here.
I think it works much better. I still use gmail for my email and I email stuff to myself all the time.
davidmohara said:
The quick answer is "sort of". :) In order for the machines to sync with the library, they need to have at least one other machine with FolderShare running. It's a peer-to-peer type system that will sync files amongst any number of machines. So if you join a machine to the library and no other machine is currently online, then you'd not be able to get the latest versions of the files. I generally keep my machines online but I've also added FolderShare to one of my servers so that I always have at least 1 machine in the library with the latest versions of the files. Hope this helps...

thanks for the info. i like the online server idea, i'm not sure if that's something i have access to or not but i'll consider it. after trying Google Docs, Gmail GTD and other methods I still like MLO the best so maybe using it on usb or something like that is my best option for now