Great new user interface with Toodledo

For anyone who was turned off to Toodledo's amateurish looking website, they just changed it and it looks great and seems even more intuitive.

I'be been using it online and syncing with my iPhone for about 6-months for my GTD system (for my Next Actions, Projects, Goals, & Areas of Focus anyway) and find it really useful. I'm happy it now looks good too!

No, I don't work for them, I've just been happy with it and wanted to finally contribute something to this forum :)
They listened to their users, got help from professional ui designers, and the result is very nice. I hope they upgrade their iOS app along similar lines.
Looks great

My compliments. I mostly use it to sync between Outlook and my Iphone but it is nice to know that they changed it. Will invite me more to work online.
Much easier to review!

I love the new Toodledo website too. One of the things I've particularly noticed, GTD-wise, is that they now allow you to see your folders (Projects) in a column down the left side, rather than as a long row of tabs across the top. It makes it SO much easier to review projects in the weekly review, and even to cherry pick projects needing a next action to move them forward and add it in-between times.

I'm very grateful that extra bit of "streamlining" David always talks about - small changes can make a huge difference!