GTD and Entourage

Hello --

I'm a new Mac user and have purchased the Entourage document to help me get it set up for GTD. I read GTD quite a while ago, so maybe I'm just forgetting something basic.

I set up the categories as recommended and started adding Tasks. My question is, are all Tasks supposed to be Next Action items? If so, where would I keep a list of tasks associated with a project?

For example, say I have a project to replace our windows. Tasks might be:

- Call 3 companies to set up interviews
- Review estimates and choose company
- Call company to set up installation date
- Prep house for installation

I know the first of these is the Next Action for that project, but what do I do with the other tasks? I want to keep a list of them associated with that project so I can turn each of them in turn into a Next Action, but where/how?

TIA-- Barbara
Priorities & Categories

First, open a project in the "Projects Center" of Entourage and put all the tasks in this project.

Second, use a different category (ex: "@Next Actions") or a different priority (ex: high priority) for the Next Action of your project, and a different one for the following actions.

When you will complete your first NA, you'll give a different category / priority to the second action of your project, and so on.

Do the same thing for all your projects.

With this system, you will have an updated list of all your NA for all your projects.