I'm looking for a GTD coach in the [mid] Hudson Valley of NY to help me with my organizational challenges. In person is preferred (some of the time - GoToMeeting or WebEx as an alternate).
I'm the co-owner of an information management consulting company (yes, irony!) and would like my admin and I to get up and running with GTD. Please respond via PM or email to adam [[at]] fullcityconsulting.com.
I'm looking for a GTD coach in the [mid] Hudson Valley of NY to help me with my organizational challenges. In person is preferred (some of the time - GoToMeeting or WebEx as an alternate).
I'm the co-owner of an information management consulting company (yes, irony!) and would like my admin and I to get up and running with GTD. Please respond via PM or email to adam [[at]] fullcityconsulting.com.