GTD Connect: Worth it?

I am thinking of signing up for this. For those of you who have enrolled in GTD Connect, is it worth it? What did you learn that was beyond the GTD book?

BillyIdol;63307 said:
I am thinking of signing up for this. For those of you who have enrolled in GTD Connect, is it worth it? What did you learn that was beyond the GTD book?



It's not so much a specific thing I learned, and continual opportunities to get inspired and encouraged to keep working the system.

- Don
I signed up for the free trial of GTD Connect and, although I didn't take out a paid membership, I did enjoy the benefits of the Connect program.

There are loads of extra articles (though these are fairly brief - 1 to 2 pages on average), lots of audio, and lots of video. The forums are also very helpful, with detailed questions and answers from experienced GTDers.

The things that I didn't like about GTD Connect were that the audio and video couldn't be played on a portable device, if I remember correctly. I would have much rather used my commute time to listen to or view those media, as I'm a regular public transport user. I could have done the same while chopping vegetables or washing the dishes. It just wasn't convenient for me to be tied to a computer while using that media.

The other thing that I didn't really like about GTD Connect was the fact that it creates a two-tier forum system. I can see why they've done that - the GTD staff have to focus their attentions, and posting only in the Members forums gives added value to the Connect membership - but I'm just not a big fan of the concept in general.

This is not to say that I wouldn't consider joing the Connect program. I find it somewhat pricey compared to the benefits for my life at the moment. I'll probably consider it for the future - once I can honestly say that my weekly review is weekly!
Correction to @SpoonFed - All the audio and video are available on Itunes for GTD Connect members and can easily be synced to a portable device. I do it all the time. I listen to the In Conversations, etc. while walking my dog or in the car.

Well, I like to think of it as Exercising my GTD Muscles. I've been at this quite a while, I'm pretty good at it, and I belong to keep myself engaged with the material and make my systems sharper.

Just think, if you got only 1% better every day, where would you be in a year?
Oops, sorry and thanks for that correction! That probably means that I'll be more likely to consider it in the future.

What format are they in?
BillyIdol;63307 said:
For those of you who have enrolled in GTD Connect, is it worth it? What did you learn that was beyond the GTD book?

I'm a very new member of GTD Connect. I debated long and hard about joining after my free trial. I did see lots of value in it but wasn't sure I could justify the expense. The cost is a very large amount from my POV.

I decided to go month to month and made it a major project to jump into as much as I can and to get as much out of it as I can now because I am unsure that I can continue to afford it in future. I have gotten more tips from experienced users, found useful hints, downloaded podcasts and documents that have all helped me on my GTD journey. I'd say give it a try.
Definitely give it a try. As noted in an earlier post in this thread, try it out for 14 days, then go month my month. I think you may find that the cost of the membership is worth what you get from it. It is kind of like a gym membership, it seems like you get out of it what you put into it. For me, I think, hmmm, I am paying for this, what advantage or tip can I gather this month that will help me to be more productive or more relaxed and just maybe I will be a better father, husband, engineer, or manager. Just reading the book will give you the nuts and bolts but having a system like Connect allows you to continue to discuss the ins and outs as time goes on.

Good luck. I wish you the best.
Michael in Knoxville
GTD Connect is overpriced!!

I have just started my 14 day trialperiod. So far I see no reason to start paying $$ for the connect membership.

As of this month I have been a Connect member for a year now. This is a membership I have not regretted. I have learned so much from the Connect member site and the discussion forums and groups. And, honestly, I prefer a two-tiered system, since I need to know I'm getting something extra for the money.

You would think that one could just plug it in and it runs, but there are so many different considerations, all of which boil down to a person's own preferences. That is really what I have used the Connect site for - I take bits and pieces here and there and try them on to see if and how they fit.