GTD Fast workbook in pdf format?


Hi people,

I'm looking for the GTD Fast workbook in pdf format. I really want to start working the steps (up to this point I just read it as a supplement to the tapes) and I don't want to destroy my only copy.

My thought (I've done this with other workbooks) is to use the photocopier at work to copy the entire workbook and email it to myself as a pdf.

The only problem is that the process is a little time consuming, not to mention that the original must be sacrificed. If the pdf already exists out there somewhere I would much prefer to leave my original intact.

Anyone have one and/or know where one resides online?


Contact the Nightengale Conant people via their website. Sorry, I don't have the URL handy, but you should be able to find it in the workbook or through a Google search. They gave me a link to an online version after I explained I owned the CD collection.


Well... DavidCO shot me down. I got a "It's not our product, so don't ask us." sort of a reply. Kinda disappointed at the attitude displayed.

We'll see if Nightingale is any better.


hepabolu said:
Why don't you simply do the exercises on a separate piece of paper? I did, worked fine enough.

An elegantly simple solution.... and one that *did* occur to me! :wink:

In the end though, I really want the pdf for archival purposes and because I find it easier to work within the workbook itself. Personal preference, I guess.