"Mind mapping" is just another word for making a bubble chart. You write down a basic idea in the middle of a piece of paper or white board (chalk board?) and branch out from there, usually in a non-linear form.
When I had a 7th-grade English class (all boys), they grabbed onto this idea like a swimmer going down for the third time. All their previous English teachers had taught them to make an outline FIRST, when writing a paper.
I don't know about you-all, but outline have never worked as a start-off point for me. I make notes about what the paper/idea/project should include and then write associated ideas, etc. The whole thing ends up looking like a mutant spider, but my ideas are written down! At this point, I *might* write down an outline to put the ideas into some coherent order, but I might not.
Not ethereal or touchy-feely at all...sorry if that's the image "mind-mapping" brings up for you. I called it "bubble charts" before I knew there was another word for it, and I still like to call them bubble charts. (It's better than "mutant spiders"--to me, at least!
P.S. I've just ordered the GTD Fast on cassettes (yep: I'm retro AND low tech) based on all the "Yeah, go for it!" comments here. My in-process brain dump (just can't get my--ah--brain wrapped around "mindsweep") is several pages long in Word, and still growing. ACK! Some of my tension is dissipating, but some of it is increasing, as I realize just exactly WHAT I'VE COMMITTED MYSELF TO UNAWARES. Ye gods! :shock: