GTD for Homemakers

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Could anyone recommend some action lists tailored specifically for home makers? Two chidren - a 3 year old and an infant.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Ian McCulloch
Sydney, NS
Are you looking for housekeeping routines/checklists, or the contexts that others have set up, or what? What is it that you are having trouble with?

You might try They have some very straightforward, effective advice on home tasks, including specific lists of things to do, how to do them, and when to do them. I use a great deal of the info they provide alongside my GTD process.

Hope that helps.
Re: GTD for Homemakers

You asked, "Could anyone recommend some action lists tailored specifically for home makers? Two chidren - a 3 year old and an infant."

In many ways, homemakers (my wife's one) lives revolve around relationships (kids, playgroups, friends, me...), and you should probably not work against that phenomenon.

First, I'd suggest seeing if some of the "recommended" lists would be useful:

@Agendas--if in Palm, make as a to-do list category; each name is a to-do item, and put the things you want to talk to them about in a note attached to that person's name--good people could be spouse, doctor, people in playgroups you see regularly, etc.

Other options
@Church, if you attend and are involved in any way
@Charity, if you volunteer somewhere regularly
@Yard, if you garden or work in the yard a lot

Some key reminder lists that might be useful would be (maybe a memo category called "Things to do"?):

"Things to do"
"Things to do with...spouse"
"Things to do with...friends"
