GTD Outlook Add-in and Project Management

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
  • Start date Start date


I am enjoying the Add-in, and becoming more familiar with it, however, I would like more Project management functionality which is not e-mail related. I thought I would start a thread requesting contributions as to what this might look like if implemented in SP-2

Personally, I would like to be able to create a new project by itself, cleanly, without referring to any e-mail. Then,I want to be able to add a task or e-mail to that project. I also would like to be able to have the GTD bar activate while I was viewing Tasks by Project, so I could complete a task for a project, check it off and then add the next task. I would like to be able to do the same while viewing Tasks by Action. Canada
if I were you, I'd post your request on the GTD outlook add-in support site on NetCentrics web site.

Davidco contracted them to build it and support it .

yes definitely , but I'm not sure anyone from netcentrics checks this forum. I've learned that NetCentrics will read their forum and log suggestions for future consideration.

they usually won't respond unless they think something is a really good idea or you post multiple times and others start repsonding to the post.
