GTD Steno Pads

Hey folks,
During the RoadMap seminar series a mini steno pad was give to the attendees -- basically a college-ruled notepad with a college-ruled layout and large 'subject' boxes on the left hand edge of the page. Try as I might I cannot find this pattern anywhere.

Thanks in advance!
Jeremy Hoff
GTD Paper Pads

Hi Jeremy,

We will have those pads in the on-line store by mid November.
They are at the printers right now. We made the pads with a cover and in three sizes to go with some new folios we have but the pads will also be available separately. You can check out our new products area as they will be listed there as soon as they are available.

Thanks for asking!

Liz Harward
Like Levenger Pads?

Are these similar to the layout of a Levenger pad? (Cornell style format)
Can some post a scan?