GTD success story - enjoying the weekend

I just had a very pleasant "a ha" experience....

After thoroughly enjoying myself and actually relaxing this past weekend, I went to load up my briefcase with all the project folders for the half dozen critical, and very time-sensitive projects which must be actioned on Monday morning, when I realized that I have not given even a nano-second of thought to any of them over the weekend - since I had properly processed them all on Friday, and completed all the thinking that needed to be done, I was free to let go of all those balls suspended in mid-air to be safely caught on Monday morning.

Needless to say, my pre-GTD weekends would have found me thinking about these details over and over and over again at times when I was unable to do anything about them, and robbing me of truly enjoying my free time.

Not handling things has consequences, but it is extremely nice to remove the stress by knowing what we haven't done and be able to mitigate damages rather than wondering what it is that we haven't done.

Congrats on your stress free weekend.
No damages at all!

Denver Dave said:
Not handling things has consequences, but it is extremely nice to remove the stress by knowing what we haven't done and be able to mitigate damages rather than wondering what it is that we haven't done.
In black-belt GTD selected stuff (Someday/Maybe) is not done intentionally. You can be sure that there will be no damages at all.
Denver Dave said:
Not handling things has consequences...
What is your point? The original poster did not tell a story of procrastinating on things that they should be doing now. Not "handling" things in my head all the time is what GTD is all about. The reason to get stuff out of my head is so that when I am *NOT WORKING* I am not thinking about ("handling") what I need to do during working hours.

There is no Doom and Gloom to spending an entire weekend relaxed because you know that what you will do Monday morning is already in the hopper.

Congratulations Jeff K.
