GTD to develop relationship with children

It's kind of a poll. Do you GTDers who have children have scheduled time for them or you have related Projects and Next Actions that you do when you feel so. Would you mind sharing the Projects you have related to your children development (learn a language or piano etc.) I would appreciate if you share your experience of playing with children and developing them using GTD.
I have an 8 year old son, and since listening to the webinars I've decided to set up a project to create a desk for my son, so he has his own space. I'm planning to keep it simple, an inbox, stationary, and a container for art/school work that we will collect and process when full. I'm thinking of giving him a whiteboard so he can write his actions and goals on it. I have a laptop he can use at his desk and his desk will be located next to mine, so I can get him to do his homework while I'm doing my GTD workflow.
I certainly schedule time with my child which is totally his time.

That's about it. Most things are about spontaneous play, creativity, fun, etc. Having an overall vision for your childs development writen on paper seems to keep me straight when needed.