Works fine for me
tim_han said:
I am thinking of switching to IMAP for email. I've heard that the GTD plug-in works somewhat, but not great in a IMAP world. Anyone have experience and able to comment?
The GTD add-in works just fine in an IMAP environment, assuming you understand the implications of the protocol and have realistic expectations. IMAP was designed to provide a server-based store for e-mail that, like Microsoft Exchange and other collaboration servers, provides access to your mail independent of the device you happen to be using. This has advantages (ubiquitous access) and disdvantages (potentially long synchronization time if you "subscribe" to all your mail and duplicated storage).
The biggest issue if, like me, you elect not to synchronize with the server (I simply have too much mail - about 1GB - and syncing bogs Outlook down big time) is that you cannot work offline with complete effectiveness. Your IMAP mail folders will not be accessible when you are not connected to the server.
There are workarounds, of course, besides syncing. You can drag mail you need to work on offline to a local .pst file (I use a POP3 account for my profile account and my IMAP accounts are added as secondary accounts. And you can work on your lists and calendar while offline.
Sadly, there really aren't any great IMAP clients out there. Outlook is good but not great. Same with Thunderbird, Barca, and Eudora, and Apple's Mail. The protocol never received strong support (Microsoft would much rather you used their Exchange Server) and has proven to be very difficult for third party developers to support. ClearContext, which I would love to use, doesn't support IMAP. Nether does NEO Pro. Even some desktop search tools (x1, Copernic) struggle with IMAP.
I hope all that helps a bit. IMAP is a mixed bag. I have no choice really - it's what my company uses. But I think, with the caveats I've outlined, that you can expect to be able to use the add-in.