top ten tips
Listed in order of popping into my head, not priority
1) If you ever say "that was today???" again, you are not reviewing enough. Review more. Review as if you were trying to memorize your lines.
2) Unless you are naked or underwater, have pen and paper no further away than your pocket. There is no excuse not to be able to capture the next great idea.
3) Remember, you only have to maintain lists and folders. That's what it all boils down to. You can be more effective than 99% of GTD'ers with a clipboard and a pencil.
4) Spend more time deciding what to do and less time cramming stuff into your day.
5) Reread GTD every month. Or listen to it. Or read Making It All Work. Or listen to it. Constantly be re-listening to the information. There are at least 100 reads' worth of information in each.
6) Find a pen you love writing with, and have it on your person at all times.
7) It takes longer to process your Inbox properly than you think. Expect an hour a day. In fact, set it aside. If you finish, then review your lists.
8) No task is too small for a Next Action. I have included "@Waiting For dryer to finish so I can transfer clothes".
9) Start off with simple gear--a text editor and thumb drive, or a 3-ring binder, or something equally universal and standard. Keep in mind you will likely change gear several times in the coming months, so you want universality.
10 ) Keep your system current and complete.