Handling multiple entries

I am fairly new (just read the book and finished my two week trial of connect). Some things within the system clicked right away, others are still a struggle.

One of my current speed bumps involves overlap and multiple entries. For example, my NA within a project might be an @call, @waiting for etc. Should I put the entry in the project NA list and then also add it to the appropriate context?

I'm not sure if this is enough info or if I explained my issue clearly. It is highly possible that I missed the answer while trying to absorb the GTD system in a relatively short amount of time.

I realize it is a journey/process to improve and utilize this system to its fullest.

Thanks for reading-
I would put the next actions only on the context lists unless you need to track them on the project list as well.

You may have multiple next actions that can move forward independently on a project as long as there is at least one.

In a digital system it is tempting to try and link next actions to projects but be careful not to overcomplicate the system.
macers;87752 said:
One of my current speed bumps involves overlap and multiple entries. For example, my NA within a project might be an @call, @waiting for etc. Should I put the entry in the project NA list and then also add it to the appropriate context?

In my system that sort of linkage, which I consider vital, is automatic. I add the next action and give it a context and it's part of the project. Critical for me when I review projects to see the actions that came before and will come after.

I'm using Omnifocus on a Mac and iPod Touch.