Has Anyone Read This Book?

I just saw a review of this book in the latest issue of Entrepreneur magazine.

Organized for Success : Top Executives and CEOs Reveal the Organizing Principles That Helped Them Reachthe Top by Stephanie Winston

The main idea is that the top CEOs actually VALUE interruptions and think of it as critical to generate new ideas and get "in touch" with employees.

The premise sounds interesting so I was wondering if any GTDer read the book and thinks it's actually worth reading.
i went to borders and B&N to see if i could find it to browse -- but couldn't find it.

will let you know if i run across it.

BTW i was looking thru borders web search kiosk and stephanie winston has an amazing number of books that i was unaware of -- some out of print, but some had interesting titles in the time management/prioritization arena.

one book i just finished and i found to be a welcome change from the usual time management book is julie morgensterns new book "making work work" -- had a lot of insight into making decisions on what to do next and how to survive in this hectic information overloaded work place -- found it to be a great complement to GTD.
jreyes said:
i went to borders and B&N to see if i could find it to browse -- but couldn't find it.

will let you know if i run across it.

BTW i was looking thru borders web search kiosk and stephanie winston has an amazing number of books that i was unaware of -- some out of print, but some had interesting titles in the time management/prioritization arena.

one book i just finished and i found to be a welcome change from the usual time management book is julie morgensterns new book "making work work" -- had a lot of insight into making decisions on what to do next and how to survive in this hectic information overloaded work place -- found it to be a great complement to GTD.

yeah, i tried looking at B&N and Borders but couldn't find it as well.

oh, and I second that Julie Morgenstern's books are quite informative. I especially like her book "Organizing from the Inside Out "
just a note, but I just read JM's "Making Work Work"

It's a decent book for ppl new to this, but to GTDers I don't think it would do us much good. She offer's some useful tips here and there (i.e. don't check email for the first 30 minutes) but most of it was review for me.

(I should note that her other book, "Organizing from the Inside Out" is really good. I also read another Time Management book from her, so maybe that's why I didn't find this current one as good.)