HELP! Getting my life organized with GTD.

For the last year I've been trying to organize my life with Trello, while it's great I've been getting a few things mixed up.
I have a lot of 'lists', and some things that just need to be stored in some kind of commonplacing system (onenote/evernote).
The things that are most static, like selfknowledge, are probably things that will be best to store in a commonplacingsystem.
I just bought David Allen's book, but some guidance could be in place..

If anybody is willing to take the ultimate challenge of organizing this mess, I would be really thankful :)

This is my current commonplacing system (still being built up):
What do I currently have stored in Trello?
To-do's (Health, selfdev,..):
Daily, weekly, Waiting (close future), Once (somewhere future)

Short-term (1w) --> reminders
Mid-term (1-3m)
Long-term (1-2y)

Valuable information:
Questions to ask myself at random times
YT video's
Lessons learned: PU / daily / weekly

To buy (self-dev / health /...)

Guitar songs to learn
Books to read (business/self-dev/health)
Movies to watch
Places to see / travel to

Blog ideas
Business ideas
Tattoo ideas

Clothing style notes

Logbook of my life, per year or period keeping track of most memorial things.

Common problems & ways to solve them

Social / women:
General notes
What works (from experience)
My perfect girl
Goals (things I want to improve, for ex. be more teasing)

Questions I (need to) ask myself
Limiting beliefs
List of fixed problems (celebration)
Things I need to keep track off: What gives me energy (+ flow states)/ What drains my energy/ Envy / admire

Overview: complaints, tests to consider, possible improvements
Things (Supps / nutrition) to try
Logbook of health: Brainfog, supplements, tiredness, motivation, eczema, neurofeedback
Notes weightlifting

I like, I don't like
Physical traits
My influencers (Tim Ferris,..)
Rules (be mindful,...)
Why am I unique?
Self-confidence letter
firebelly said:
I just bought David Allen's book, but some guidance could be in place..

You've done the first step on the path to "Mind Like Water": "BUY THE GTD BOOK".

Now it's time take the second step: "READ THE GTD BOOK CAREFULLY".
Guess you're right and I kinda just panicked at seeing all the stuff I have to Process :)
Beginning on Part II (the actual implementation) tomorrow!!
It's nothing personal. We just need a common dictionary to discuss what can and should be done. Good luck.

One caution. Your "stuff" is your "stuff" - not David Allen's. You will have to process it. Why? To destroy the anxiety of unknown.
firebelly said:
Guess you're right and I kinda just panicked at seeing all the stuff I have to Process :)
That's pretty common. You don't realize how much stuff you have hanging in your mind until you really make a concerted attempt to get it all out and decide about it. It can be overwhelming at first. Just keep at it, review often (more than weekly if you need it, esp. in the beginning) and realize that the reason to do this is so you are happy with the choices you make about your life, not just crank more widgets. GTD should be about living the life you want not about doing more things unless that IS what you want.