Help with note taking

Before GTD, I was trying to keep everything in my head. Now, most of the time, I write things down, and I start to like it.

Still I want to improve my note taking skills, specially during meetings, but also while working on projects. I've tried using One Note or Evernote, but I now prefer using paper notebooks. I have 2, one 8.5 x 11 with hardcover that I take to meetings, use at my desk and use as writing board, and a small Moleskine that I carry with me everywhere to empty my head.

I'm a Business Solutions Analyst (consulting firm), and I need to keep track of the time I spend on projects and meetings, along with notes of the work I did during that time.

What I'm looking for is some ressource on the web to help me become a better notetaker.

Here is a link to one website I frequent with a post about taking notes:

My suggestion is to search in Google for "business note taking", or just "note taking", (although that will probably get you a lot of erroneous results). You can also look for "Cornell note taking".

If you haven't already searched, there are a lot of Moleskine sites that have information on writng and taking notes also.

Sorry I don't have specific places to send you. I use OneNote also and have used EverNote in the past. I've never been too concerned with how I take electronic notes since searching them is easy.