How do you deal with this kind of note?

How do you deal with notes like this:
Change my life focus to XYZ

I can't find any action related to it.

Also, how do you guy deal with action that you can do anywhere,
but you have to have a certain tool to do it.
For example, you can do your mat homework everywhere, but you will need
to have a calculator and textbooks with you.
What kind of subcategory of next action does it belong to?

gtdnubcake;106374 said:
How do you deal with notes like this:
Change my life focus

I don't know what this note means so I would probably throw it away.

gtdnubcake;106374 said:
For example, you can do your tax everywhere, but you will need
to have a calculator with you.
What kind of subcategory of next action does it belong to?

@HomeOffice. I need access to tax related documents.
Life focus sounds pretty big. :)
I would probably start with a next action to develop what that change would look like.

Anybody who can do their taxes anyplace with a calculator has a lot fewer complications in their life than I do! I would choose the place where I would the best job, because doing a bad job has a large potential downside.
TesTeq;106376 said:
@HomeOffice. I need access to tax related documents.

I am so bad at giving example.
How about doing math homework, you need your calculator and your textbook
but you can do it anywhere.

For the first example, how about changes for the GTD system.
You come up with some change that could be helpful but
you don't know for sure if it's helpful or not.
The choice is really between the next actions, not the context. Assuming the calculator and textbook are at home...

@Home: Do maths homework.
@Home: Pack calculator, textbook, paper and pencil into bag.
@Home: Search bedroom for calculator.

The common theme is that you have to go to where the tools are. Then you have a choice of options.
cfoley;106382 said:
The choice is really between the next actions, not the context. Assuming the calculator and textbook are at home...

@Home: Do maths homework.
@Home: Pack calculator, textbook, paper and pencil into bag.
@Home: Search bedroom for calculator.

The common theme is that you have to go to where the tools are. Then you have a choice of options.

Even with highly mobile tools?
gtdnubcake;106374 said:
How do you deal with notes like this:
Change my life focus to XYZ

I can't find any action related to it.

There are a zillion possible ways, but my first thought:

It starts as:
Project: Miscellaneous single actions.
Next Action: Create a project for changing my life focus to becoming a fiction writer.
Context: Meta (My Meta context is for actions directly related to the GTD system.)

Working that action results in:
Project: Change my life focus to becoming a fiction writer.
Next Action: Spend half an hour brainstorming how to do this. Repeat every three days.
Context: Thinking

After a few brainstorming sessions, I've created some projects:

Project: Find a writing workshop to attend.
Next Action: Spend half a hour searching the web for possible workshops
Context: Research

Project: Form a daily writing habit
Next Action: Write for half an hour. Repeat every two days.
Context: Writing

And so on, and so on.
gtdnubcake;106383 said:
Even with highly mobile tools?

I think my context and next actions fitted your example pretty well. What sort of highly mobile tool are you thinking of? A smartphone? You could have a @smartphone context but I find that although I CAN do a lot of things on my smartphone, It's not always pleasant. I prefer sending emails from my desk and making calls from my sofa.

Often, the next action revolves around the lowest common denominator. In your example, that's the calculator or textbook.

If you have an example that fits your question better then I'll have another go.
All Next Actions have a place and a time in which they get done.

You have stated that you can do your math homework "anywhere", but you failed to give us a time. Can you also do your homework at "anytime", or must it be done tonight after 9pm, or ???

If you can truly do your math homework "anywhere" and "anytime", then you must have a relatively open schedule and a relatively open calendar. Lucky you. In this case, your main problem is remembering to bring your tools with you. Under the 2-minute rule, you should simply tuck your tools into your bookbag and be done with it.

If your homework must get done today, then it goes on your calendar for today, with or without a set time (as you see fit).

If your homework must get done within a week, then it goes on your Projects list with a due date. There is no Next Action associated with this project in this case. The project migrates from your Projects List directly into your Calendar, circumventing the need to go onto your Next Actions Lists.

Each morning, when you plan your day, you need to look at all of the Projects and Next Actions in your system. Decide which ones you are going to do today, and put them on your calendar. Remember, the calendar is sacred ground. Anything you put on the calendar MUST GET DONE THAT DAY. You can always do more than what is on your calendar. That's what the @context lists are for, of course But if your homework is something that needs to be done today, then put it on your calendar.

Hope this helps,
Math homework

I've often wondered this question as well. I mean, if you have the textbook you need available at the school library and at home and you like to study both places, then which context would you use, @home or @library?

If you mostly study at home then I would recommend @home.
If you don't really study in any one particular place, but need a mobile resource, then give it a name as a context. Eg @schoolbag, or @ipad or @iphone.

I have a context @Dell, for when I'm working with my Dell laptop, which could be anywhere. Since that is heavy enough to carry, I've made a committment to not carrying texts around, and leave them in one place, so I keep my study texts only at home and so studying type actions would be @home. However if the documents are electronic and on my computer I would use @Dell.