How do you handle forums and blogs checking?

Usually I check the forums daily. But that's not number 1 priority and has no deadlines. So it sits in my @Computer list "Check forum" so I see it when I have a discrete time. But now I do not check it off after it's done because the next action would be 100% the same. I'm not sure that's the way it should be. Where do you put checking forums and blogs in your system, why you put it there and how do you use your system for that?


I check forums like this one when I have a spare minute. If I don't visit in any particular day, I don't care, so it doesn't go on any checklist or NA list.

The few sites that I do care about are part of my inbox-processing routine. Either the site sends me email, or I check its RSS feed, or I visit the site directly, but the outcome is the same.

Regular tasks


I have an @Online task which lists the websites and blogs I like to read and this stays on the list without being checked off. If I have done it already or I don't have time I skip it when deciding what to do.

I use Mindmanager and so I have a branch in my runway (NAs without a project) with all of the blogs listed which has a link to the actual site. See attachment.


Attached files
I enter the forums when I have some free time and nothing interesting to do.

When I need to talk with somebody or an advise, maybe some problems and I need help.

There are different cases.

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I don't have check forums or blogs on my NA list - it's something I do automatically during down time if I'm in the mood. It's not a task I expect myself to do on a regular basis. Doing it whenever I feel like it is enough. NA's in my opinion are things I want to get done but won't necessarily happen on their own - they are things I need to be reminded of or require a certain amount of planning in order to take place.