How do you monitor sub-projects?

I'm finding the need to create sub-projects for complicated tasks. However, I'm not sure how you group them so that you can monitor them and see the big picture when doing a weekly review.


I use Mindmanager and have it set up as per the attached jpeg. This enables me to have visibility of all of my projects, subprojects and NAs which works well for reviews. I can filter by Category and I can also use Results manager to get a list of NAs by context which is better for lists when I am working through NAs by context.


Attached files
I think that if they're separate projects, you can review each individually, even if they're grouped/related. Just ask the usual questions: Is there a next action, did I finish it, if so, what's next, etc.

If the project has finished, at that point you might want to pop back up to the higher levels to figure out the next project to activate, if any.
The idea of using Mindmanger is intriguing. However, I think that if one has many projects (or sub projects) to handle, then even a mindmap may be difficult to handle.

cornell, what worries me is that I may miss the whole picture and/or track of the project if the sub projects are spread out in my system. I suppose someone will now reply indicating that that's where the weekly review becomes valuable. ;)
DoingIt;45463 said:
The idea of using Mindmanger is intriguing. However, I think that if one has many projects (or sub projects) to handle, then even a mindmap may be difficult to handle.

cornell, what worries me is that I may miss the whole picture and/or track of the project if the sub projects are spread out in my system. I suppose someone will now reply indicating that that's where the weekly review becomes valuable. ;)

I agree with Cornel. Try to play with projects and sub-projects individually and you'll see that there's no reason to group them. It's just additonal peice of information for your RAM :)


I'm with Pixlz - I couldn't imagine implementing GTD without the use of Mindmanager. It is a light footprint, highly flexible app that lets me manage the result of "writing it all down".

By processing and organizing into linked maps I greatly facilitate my reviews and in fact clear my mind. I export the output of my reviews into Outlook which I always have with me (Pocket Informant on an Ipaq).

Note: I'm not referring to the capture phase (except for mindsweeps & brainstorming) which I do primarily via handwritten notes (often PhatPad).