How do you sort tasks in Outlook Today by subject?



I like to have the Outlook Today page open while I'm working so that I can see everything at a glance.

However, I prioritize my tasks by putting an A, B, C or D and a number before the task's subject. Unfortunately, the Outlook Today page cannot seem to sort these tasks (at least not from "Customize Outlook Today").

Is there any work around? How does everyone else prioritize and sort there tasks for the day?

Thanks and happy Christmas! ;-)

I have a very simple, and elegant workaround.

Change your "Default View" to the Calendar, instead of "Outlook Today."

Set the Calendar for one day (today) and have the Task Pad open on the right hand side. I also have the "list of files" (or whatever it is called) open on the left hand side of the Calendar - so I can see the minute something lands in my Inbox.

This also gives you the advantage of focusing on which tasks you want to - since you can collapse or open categories of tasks with a click of your mouse. For instance - do you REALLY want to have the "Errands" list distracting you while you can do nothing about what's on their while you're at the office ?