How do you track your contacts?

In my projects list I keep track of ongoing Projects. But I mentioned that I need to track people as well as they give me those Projects. Do you have any ideas on how to keep track of meetings with different people (when last you met, what dicussed, etc.)?


I use "address book" in Palm

I am a pretty lo-tech person. I use Palm Handheld and desk top version. I try to put everyone I need to remember stuff about "on the fly" or in perpetuity in my Palm address book. I use the address field and the note section. I add to the notes from the "top down" beginning a sentence with the date. Palm is pretty searchable. Or, if you don't exceed 15 categories, you can put people in categories and then search through the category. I have an 83 year old friend who has binder with A to Z tabs and a page for every person whom she has ever meet and retained a relationship with, business or perosnal, so she has all the info like when she last them the person, who has a grandchild, and she also runs a business and has the same.
Sounds nice :) The only question for me now what contacts were not touched for 2 or more months. I think it's possible to automate somehow?