How important are labels wider than 1/2 inch?

I have never used a label maker before and I notice that the various widths of tapes and kinds of tape they will tape seem to be distinguishing points.

For those of you already using label makers - how often are you making labels wider than 1/2 inch?

willbetoned;96549 said:
For those of you already using label makers - how often are you making labels wider than 1/2 inch?

Never, my most common size is .47 inch. I use that for all my file folders. The other size I get for my labeler is .35 inch. I use that to label drawers and things where I might need 2 lines of label to fit the text in.
Oogiem;96550 said:
The other size I get for my labeler is .35 inch. I use that to label drawers and things where I might need 2 lines of label to fit the text in.

Do you mean you fit two lines of text into the .35 inches or you use two strips of label - each with one line of text within the .35 inches so that the two lines take up about .70 inches?
willbetoned;96555 said:
you use two strips of label - each with one line of text within the .35 inches so that the two lines take up about .70 inches?

2 strips of label, sorry for the confusion

Me, too. I've never needed to use more than 1/2 inch.

And not only do I use them for folders and the like, I use the tiniest print to make labels for the tops of my spice jars so I don't have to pull them all out of the drawer when I'm looking for the cumin.

They're in alpha order, too... And my family may laugh at me but, darn it, they can find the cinnamon, now, can't they?!? :!: (My husband just said he's afraid I'm going to start labeling his shoes "left" and "right"... Everyone's a comedian.)

When I do need larger labels, like for the side of a storage box, I put plastic adhesive pockets on (2"x3" or 4"x4", whatever), then I just print out a page in large type on the computer, trim it to size and slip it in the pocket. I think they sell the pockets at most office products stores. I found mine at a teacher's supply store.

Happy labeling!
