How many Areas of Focus?

I remember that somewhere I´ve read that one has about 6-10 AoF.

In another context (maybe "Ready for anything"?) I think I read the advise to make a detailed list everything that could be inside this AoF (including the job-description for the actual occupation, list of hobbies, friends..).

So my question:
What belongs to the 20.000 ft level?
I like to play with an AOF question. So I started with "What is important?" and included Finances. Then I modified it to "What do I want more of?" and split it into Financial Security and Financial Abundance.

I include lessons from my life and others' where I let something drop and never want to make that mistake again. "I must always remember to..." have FUN, take care of my HEALTH, act with self CONFIDENCE, continue to be adventurous but MANAGE RISKS.

Secondly, I like to look at my AOF list and see things in proportion. So I will split or combine items until the overall list is in balance. If Family seems too small among the list, then I'll split it into the separate members of the family, then combine Car and Technology into Stuff.

I currently have 30 areas of focus. I don't think I could manage more within my 2 hour weekly review and this list fits nicely into a single page on my computer so I can see them in one view.
pxt;83398 said:
I currently have 30 areas of focus. I don't think I could manage more within my 2 hour weekly review and this list fits nicely into a single page on my computer so I can see them in one view.

It's not necessary to review these every week. D.A. states that once a month is usually sufficient. I create a separate action for reviewing higher horizons of focus; I have to get myself in the appropriate mood and mode to do it.
Area of focus

Things you need to maintain. I've had as many as 35 aof but over time they have boiled down to about 15. I run my own business and live in another country an am relatively active in my church so I have a few unique areas but MIAW has the best run down on areas of focus anywhere. It's about the middle of the book.