Borisoff said:
Jpm, 105 Waiting fors.... Wow. How do you control all of them. Weekly review or daily?
That depends a lot on the sub-context and who I'm waiting for the next action from. I use the Add-in and set up an @Waiting For view in my task folders that lists all the waiting for actions grouped by the Delegated To field. Time critical waiting fors have a due date set on the waiting for task.
I review all next actions with a due date set daily. I try to set as few hard dates in the task list as possible. Those few I do review daily, sometimes more frequently.
Most are assigned to projects so they get reviewed at least once a week during the weekly review. I have weekly one-on-ones with my staff and some indirect reports and we review status of each outstanding next action I've delegated to them. I have a more-or-less weekly one-on-one with my boss and we do the same with them (One-on-ones consist mainly of reviewing the @Waiting Fors and @Agendas next actions... I have a similar @Agendas view with next actions grouped by a custom field called "Agenda For".
I currently have four direct reports a couple of people matrixed to my group and a boss for a total of 7 people where I do one-on-ones. There are usually between 5 and 10 waiting fors from each plus a couple of agenda items. This usually accounts for between 35-70 Waiting Fors.
Most of the remainder are reviewed weekly, by me and then with the delegatee monthly. I have regular monthly meetings set up with my internal customers and partners.
Finally we get a lot of requests for support, and in some cases the requestor is not really willing to do their part to support our process (e.g. won't follow the rules of engagement for our service, sales opportunity is not qualified, etc.) In this case I use a waiting for to track this as a project to start. Might be more appropriate as a Someday/Maybe, but I run these as requests that may need follow-up. If I haven't heard from the requestor in a second week or so, I'll send out an e-mail to follow-up. If I don't get a response I'll close out the waiting for. I have about a half dozen or so of these that go stale every week.
Thats how I handle them. Hope that helps. As always I'm open to suggestions for improvements....