When doing a weekly review, here are the questions I ask for each folder:
Notice that I don't have a "waiting for" bucket. Instead, I use scheduled tasks (aka tickler file) to remind me to follow up with people that I'm waiting for as well as hold tasks that start on a specific day and repeating tasks/projects.
I've read that the questions to ask when reviewing the waiting for bucket are "anything that has been completed? Do I have reminders?". I don't think those can be applied to a tickler file.
I've been doing GTD for over a year, and when reviewing my scheduled tasks, I usually just ask myself if any of them need updating, if they can be deleted or activated.
I haven't seen anything specifically on how to review your tickler file. Do any of you have suggestions? What are the key questions I should be asking?
- previous calendar data - any followup, remaining action items?
- upcoming calendar - arrangements and preparation
- review projects - make sure a kickstart action is there for each
- review next actions - any reminders of further actions?
- review "someday" list - anything that can become active? anything to delete?
Notice that I don't have a "waiting for" bucket. Instead, I use scheduled tasks (aka tickler file) to remind me to follow up with people that I'm waiting for as well as hold tasks that start on a specific day and repeating tasks/projects.
I've read that the questions to ask when reviewing the waiting for bucket are "anything that has been completed? Do I have reminders?". I don't think those can be applied to a tickler file.
I've been doing GTD for over a year, and when reviewing my scheduled tasks, I usually just ask myself if any of them need updating, if they can be deleted or activated.
I haven't seen anything specifically on how to review your tickler file. Do any of you have suggestions? What are the key questions I should be asking?