Humor - Short, universal to do list

kelstarrising;92446 said:
Reminds me of the Sponge Bob to do list that only had "nothing" on the list (which was crossed off.)

Oh, that's no fun. The 4-bullet to-do list above shows an actual understanding of to-do list methodologies. #4 is even listed with a status marker, and the list uses self-motivation and reward techniques. Just lacks ambition.

To me, the joke is that our intelligent failures often succeed better than our actual planning when our planning system is dysfunctional (like a to-do list containing items like "Mom!" with no next action, as DA says.)

The "carrot" of getting to cross things off and then reward yourself is really easy to abuse. This reminds me a little of actual to-do lists I have committed before I found GTD. Exaggerated appropriately.

Christopher J