I'm looking for beta testers for eProductivity for Lotus Notes

I'm looking for beta testers for eProductivity for Lotus Notes

I am in the last phase of development and testing for eProductivity for Notes, a tool I've developed that makes it easy to implement David Allen's GTD methodology in Lotus Notes.

Testing is going very well, and several users are reporting dramatic time-savings due to the GTD-friendly features of the product. I'm looking for some more beta testers, specifically Mac users to help me complete the testing process.

I'm looking for candidates who are very experienced with the principles and execution of the GTD methodology and who have at least 2-3 years experience working with Lotus Notes. Ideally, these people would have experience (positive or not) trying to implement GTD in Lotus Notes. This will help me compare and contrast vanilla Notes with eProductivity for Notes.

If you fit this profile and if you have the interest and time to participate, let me know. I will personally work with you and coach you in how to use the software; in return, all I ask is for detailed feedback on how the software works for you.

You may reach me at my personal e-mail: Eric.Mack@ICA.com



This is not a solicitation on behalf of the David Allen Company.
eProductivity for Lotus Notes was developed independently of The David Allen Company and is not supported or endorsed by David Allen at this time.
Availability of eProductivity for Lotus Notes


I did not see in your previous post when your product was going to be available to the masses.

Hi Dale, here's how you can get eProductivity...

Dale, we are wrapping up some final negotiations, so we've been keeping a low profile for the past few months. During this time, we've been working with enterprise customers doing in-house trials and have seen remarkable results - people reclaiming 30 minutes a day, etc...

If you'd like to work with eProductivity for Notes, I recommend three things:

1. Signup at http://www.eProductivity.com to get on the notify list

2. Watch the video at http://www.eProductivity.com to learn how you can implement GTD in Lotus Notes easily and reclaim up to 30 minutes a day.

3. Visit this blog post for details on the preview program and an opportunity to get an extended license key for free.

Availability of eProductivity for Lotus Notes


I have followed through on all your suggestions but I am still left with nothing but feathers as to when eproductivity for Lotus Notes will be available. I am ready to implement an electronic GTD solution. I would like one that integrates with Notes but I don't want to wait much longer.

eProductivity Update

Hello Dale, thanks for your question. In the above post I indicate how you can join the pilot program and get your hands on eProductivity.

There's lots going on and we are busy serving customers that are using eProductivity as their GTD implementation tool for Lotus Notes. As far as public announcements, I can simply say "soon."

I've invited David Allen to co-present with me at Lotusphere so you can expect that I will have much more to share well before then.

Lotus Notes & Me - Making it personal

Getting Things Done with Lotus Notes
eProductivity Update

Hi Eric

I filled out the paperwork requested to be to join the pilot program and emailed a scanned copy to the address indicated. This was a few weeks back. I have not heard anything since.

Thanks. Resolved. You are now in the pilot program.

Hi Dale, I located your pilot program application and approved it. I also sent you and e-mail with the next steps. If you have any questions, please contact me at the provided email.

Pilot still open ?

Eric Mack;62247 said:
Hi Dale, I located your pilot program application and approved it. I also sent you and e-mail with the next steps. If you have any questions, please contact me at the provided email.


I have browsed the web over & over :( again looking for a program like yours.
I have read and seen all your info. And I must say I am very exited :o , because it looks so promising that I can say "I found what I need!" Is it still possible to join the Pilot program? And when is the program release, do you have a target.

Regards Hans