I'm a SAHM so technically I could have two contexts - home and town. However, I separate my contexts beyond those two. I have things separated in general categories as to what I feel like doing. I have outside, office, domestic stuff (regular things), deep cleaning, hobbies, etc.
I chafe under schedules and prefer to work according to inspiration. I find the weekly review essential to my success. I outline all of the things I want to do and can do right now and sort them according to my contexts. By doing my brain dump and yet having things fresh in my mind, I get more done than with any other method.
I find that if I set an intention to do something by putting it on a list, the inspiration will occur and I'll get to it. If I don't, there is generally some obstacle to getting it done, such as figuring out exactly how I want to do something. In those cases, having the item on my mind due to having it on my list sometimes works because I mull it over and come up with a solution. Other times, I have to discipline myself to think about why it's not getting done and come up with a more clear plan of action.
For instance, I've had calzone made with homemade dough on my menu for three weeks but it wasn't until I figured out exactly when I needed to start making it in order to have it ready for supper that I actually got it made. Generally I start thinking about supper when it is too late for such projects.
I also separate things according to energy levels. My two domestic categories reflect that. Regular items are stuff I don't really need to think about or devote a block of time to, generally. The other category (deep cleaning) also includes home improvement projects such as cleaning out closets and organizing shelves so they function better. I have to be in a creative, take-initiative mode in order to do those types of projects, but when I'm in that mode, I know exactly what I want to get done and can make the most of it. Other times, I need to feel productive but don't feel like thinking, so I vacuum or do laundry.
That's what works for me. It took me some time to figure out my own version that works best for me, but the experimenting and fiddling around certainly paid off.