implementing and understanding the natural planning model

Are the 5 steps of natural planning, that David writes about in chapter 3 of Getting things Done (getting projects creatively underway) to be implemented or worked through each time I have a commitment to accomplish that is 2 or more actions to complete?

While I haven't understood the natural planning model as well as I'd like to, my observation is that it is comprised of 2 vertical focus steps and 2 horizontal steps accompanied by a brainstorming step sandwiched in the middle. Is this correct?
Hi Curtis,

You are likely doing pieces of the Natural Planning Model for every project, but perhaps not as formally as following all 5 stages in order. For example, you'll always use two things from the Natural Planning Model for your projects when you first take them on:

- Asking what's the desired outcome?
- Asking what's the next action?

And then perhaps you'll jump to brainstorming (maybe that IS your first next action). And then there will be times when you know you have a new project, but you start up at Purpose and make your way down in the order of the Natural Planning Model (which is super valuable by the way to do as one complete model.)
implementing and understanding the natural planning model

Kelstarrising, Thank you for the clear and lucid explanation. I get it now!