Tune the capture device to the Item to be captured
TesTeq;95611 said:
You've got three capture devices:
Yes, I find that certain types of inputs are much easier and faster to capture in one form or another. My way won't work for everyone though.
I know my phone has a camera, but I am a scrapbooker and the phone pictures are not nearly good enough resolution to use in my scrapbooks. My books are often documentation of what is going on in the farm and we also use them for future reference a lot. So I find that using my camera to capture both next actions and statuses (pix of the part needed to fix the irrigation system, or pix of the state of the grazing in the far fields so I can plan the next sheep moves) makes the picture do double duty. It's an input to my inbox for next action plus the eventual print gets put in the farm scrapbooks for later use. I write TOCs for all my important scrapbooks to facilitate finding stuff in them easily next time. Visual references are very good for us.
If I am talking on the phone the notepad is faster to make a note than try to remember it and then enter it into my phone or speak it into a voice memo. Paper is also better for graphical inputs like drawings and measurements of things. Combined with a photo of the item it can reduce trips to the hardware or farm supply store so I often use both notes & camera to capture inputs on farm related issues.
Phone capture is often ok for short easily typed things but an outdoor farm environment is a bit risky for my phone, even in its gorilla case. I'd rather not have to clean the mud and manure off the phone or make a 150 mile trip to replace it if I accidentally drop it into the irrigation ditch. I'll often choose a less delicate system, my notepad, if I am in a severe environment. I've also found that in winter using my phone requires I take off my gloves, not fun when it's cold out, but I can use my camera and my notepad with gloves on.
In short I could not easily and painlessly capture all the varied inputs I get without all 3 of my capture systems with me at all times.