Importing Tasks with Multiple Categories in Mindmanage V6 Pro

I've recently become a fan of Mindmanager and I'm looking to expand my use of it to cover management of projects and tasks in a more visual way that is more creative and gives a better view of progress and priorities.

The big BUT is that Mindmanager does not seem to cope with the idea that a task can have more than one category. Eg:

"Call Mike about the New Recruitment Agent" is has two categories in Outlook, one is @Calls and the other is 'Widen Candidate Base Project' so that in Outlook and in JelloDash, the actions can be view in contexts or in projects according to taste.

Importing to MM6P, though, puts it in @Calls, seperate from the other tasks in the WCBP project. I've just patched to the SP2, but the same problem exists.

Any suggestions or workarounds?



I use a designated Contact Folder that contains all of my projects as contacts. This allows me to create or link tasks to the project and all related tasks in the project's activities tab. When I am in task view I can see what project a task associated with by adding the contact field to the view. This method only requires one category- for the context. The task can then be imported into MindManager with one category/context.

Thanks Shawn, I did use the Custom form for Projects in Contacts in the past, but migrated to Jello instead. It's not obvious if I can blend the two.

But, you've inspired me to try the custom forms again, let's see if it works with Mindjet!

