Inbox or Next Action list

I don't have this problem at work where I spend 9 or 10 hours a day, but at home I don't spend too much time at my desk. I sometimes spend only 10 or 15 minutes a day at my desk at home. I usually spend that time going through things in my Inbox. This has kept the Inbox relatively under control, but I've noticed that my Next Action list is suffering as a result. This weekend when I finally got to the NA list, I realized that I hadn't looked at it in over a week. There were things in there that were more important than some of the things I processed in my inbox during the week. So now I feel like my NA list is becoming a black hole of things that aren't getting done when they should.

With a limited amount of time, how does one balance keeping the inbox close to empty and going through NA lists?
If your NA list is at your desk, but you only spend 10-15 min a day at your desk, then your NA list isn't reminding you of what needs to be done. Try putting it somewhere else: taped to the TV, taped to the door, laying on the couch, somewhere where you'll see it, and it will remind you that there's things to be done.