Spam update
Hi All,
Here's a quick spam update, then this thread can get back to its original topic.
Thank you for helping us keep the forum free of spam. Your participation makes a big difference, and is the primary reason why this forum has such a great reputation.
By now you'll see that all of John81's posts have been deleted. I have also banned that user, to prevent future posts. This is our standard practice with obvious, intentional spam.
We have several forum moderators who help keep the spam out. We read all of the new posts, checking the forum frequently. On weekends spam may stay for a little longer, and may not get deleted until Monday morning. Often it gets handled even on the weekend, as you can tell from this Sunday post. I like to clear spam out right away when it shows up, so you don't have to sift through it.
Again, thanks for your assistance with keeping this forum productive.